Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Pelayanan Perizinan

Melayani pengurusan izin dan persetujuan seperti:
Surat Persetujuan dan Fasilitas dari Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM)
Persetujuan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA)
Persetujuan Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN)
Izin Usaha Tetap (IUT)
Persetujuan Perubahan kepemilikan saham
Persetujuan perubahan lokasi proyek
Persetujuan perubahan bidang usaha dan jenis produksi
Persetujuan perubahan investasi dan sumber pembiayaan
Persetujuan perubahan status dari PMA menjadi perusahaan PMDN
Perubahan status perusahaan PMDN atau Non PMDN/PMA menjadi perusahaan PMA
Perpanjangan waktu penyelesaian proyek
Penggabungan perusahaan (merger)
Perubahan nama perusahaan
Perubahan alamat perusahaan

Angka Pengenal Importir Terbatas
Izin Usaha /Izin Usaha Tetap/Izin Perluasan
Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing
Rekomendasi Visa bagi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing
Perpanjangan Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing yang bekerja di lebih dari 1 (satu) propinsi.
Izin Memperkerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing
Fasilitas pembebasan/keringanan Bea Masuk atas pengimporan Barang Modal atau Bahan Baku/Penolong dan Fasilitas Fiskal Lainnya

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
Hendra 44547575, 08128237240 ndrajaya@gmail.com

Closed line of business

Closed line of business means certain lines of business which are prohibited to conduct as investment activities.

List of Business Closed to Investment


Historical and Archeological Relics (temples, palace,ancient inscriptions, burial place, archaic buildings, under sea discoveries, etc)

Traditional /Customary Settlement


Pilgrimage Object (religious place, burial place, graveyard,etc)

Utilization (extraction) of natural coral

Fishing species listed in the Appendix 1 CITES

Management and Operation of Station Monitoring Spectrum Radio Frequency and Satelite Orbit.

Public Broadcasting Service (LPP) of Radio and Television

Provider and Operator of Terminal

Instalation and Maintenance of Street Supports

Management and Operation of Weighing Bridge
Operator of Motor Vehicle Type test

Operator of Motor Vehicle Regular Test
Vessel Trafic Information System (VTIS)
Air Traffic Service Provider
Chemical Industry Environmental Damageability,such as Penta Chlorophenol. Dichloro Diphenyl Tricholoro Ehtane (DDT), Dieldrin,Chlordane, Carbon Tetra Chloride, Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC), Methyl Bromide, Methyl Choloroform, Halon, and the like
Chemical Industry Schedule-1 Chemical Weapon Convention (Sarin,Soman, Tabun, Mustard, Levisite, Recine,Saxitoxin,VX,etc)
Alcoholic Beverage Industry (Liquor,wine and malt beverage)
Chlor Akali Industry with mercury contain materials
Cyclamate and Saccharin Industry
Non Ferrous Metal Industry
Marijuana Cultivation


Invest in Indonesia by individual.
In accordance with Indonesian Investment law (Law number 25 Year 2007) a foreign individual could Invest in Indonesia. However foreign investment must be in the form of a limited liability company under the Indonesian Law, and domiciled with in the teritory of the state of the Republic Indonesia.

The required documents for investing in Indonesia for individual
Copy of valid passport
flow chart of the production process and raw materials requirement for processing industries.
Description explaining of business activities for services sector
power of attorney to sign the application if the participant(s) are represented by another party
Other requirements from the sectoral minister concerned if any.

What is a limited liability company?
A limited liability company is a legal entity that is capital partnership, establish base on by an agreement to perform businesses with authorize capitals that are devided in shares.
A limited liability company shall be established by 2 (two) persons to more with notarial deed prepared in Indonesian Language.

One point should be keep in mind is an investor who plan to invest in Indonesia should acknowledge which line of business is opened and which is closed for foreign investment.

Interested to invest in Indonesia
Please contact ndrajaya@gmail.com